Tuesday, May 27, 2008

1st wedding anniversary

Today's our anniversary! But, my hubby teaches evening classes on Tue. So we celebrated earlier. We went to downtown Taipei for fun and rented movies last Fri.evening. He gave me a skirt and a pair of jeans on Sun.
This evening I was waiting for him at home, but he came home late. I was disappointed. Finally, the bell rang! He always opens the door himself. I wondered... I opened the door and saw a rose! Oh~ He rode to buy sesame oil chicken and rose for me. How sweet!
By the way, we'll take a 2nd honeymoon to Europe again this Aug. Also, we hope to have a baby next year. I need to gain some weight and exercise.


  1. congratulations!
    Your man is really sweet!
    Have a great time in Europe!

  2. 沒想到吳先生婚後還是很浪漫!
    你們要去歐洲哪裡呢? 好羨慕阿!
    再拍照片分我看吧! 我暑假哪也去不得~嗚...

    Dai Rong

  3. Congratulation! Your pics with your hubby are really sweet!
    Sorry that I have not kept with you for a while but I am really busy these days but I sent you the other day a letter. Hope you get this really soon1
    Have a great June!

  4. Dai Rong

  5. Dear Dai Rong,
    We'll travel in Southern France, Alps, Switzerland, and Italy. It's a busy and fun summer for me. My 4-summer Master's degree program started on July 1. I go to Nationl Taipei Uni. of Education 3 days a week. Do you have any plans for this summer?
